The Necessity for Drawing in the Education of the Architect

What is the role of hand drawing in the development of design thinking? CARTA Director Christine G. H. Franck explored this topic in a recent lecture at the Art of Architecture: Hand Drawing and Design conference held at the University of Notre Dame School of Architecture. The conference also featured: Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains on “Underestimating the Human: The Limits of Automation”; Graham Wyatt, Principal at Robert A.M. Stern Architects on “Architectural Models: Three-Dimensional Sketches”; and Joseph Connors, Harvard University Dept. of History of Art and Architecture, author of Borromini and the Roman Oratory on “Borromini and the Graphite Revolution in Early Modern Architectural Drawing”

Listen in below to Franck’s lecture (beginning at about 21 minutes) and other panelists Brian Kelley, Director of the Architecture Program at the University of Maryland and George Knight of Knight Architecture, LLC and Yale University.

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